Aside from my undeniable love of bees, “The Buzz” seemed an appropriate title for this blog because up until this point, much of the buzz about my work came directly from defense attorneys via word of mouth. I learned there is a term for this…”Buzz Marketing.”

Behind the scenes of some of Minnesota’s most “high-profile” cases and every type of case in between, there I am— diligently collecting all the information I can and perfecting every word to make sure my reports are beyond reproach and my recommendations are valid. I focus on the work because it is important I get it right. Besides, I always figured that as long as I do quality work, the rest will take care of itself.

I was right! This buzz marketing model (which I had no idea was a “marketing model” until today) served me well and I am grateful for each and every attorney referral. However, it is time to publicly extend my reach.

After 20+ years of engaging with flawed human beings involved with equally flawed systems, you develop opinions and you learn a lot along the way. The intention of this blog is to share my unique perspective on criminal justice topics, highlight client success stories, and educate the general public regarding potential sentencing and mitigation issues.

I want to be part of the solution and I hope you will join me in this new endeavor. Please help to generate even more buzz! If you have not already done so, I would love it if you subscribed to my email list. Also, if you have any topics you would like me to discuss or a client success story of your own you’d like me to share, please contact me directly at